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轻松学英语:速冻模式 暖胃美食助你温暖过冬(双语)

Major Cold is coming, the last solar term of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms. Cold as it is, it also happens to be the beginning of a freezing ...

2016-01-26 14:44    来源:爱语吧
你知道吗:那些奇葩恐惧症 从蜘蛛到高海拔你最怕啥?(双语)

From spiders to heights, we all have things that make us shudder. 从蜘蛛到高海拔,我们都有害怕的东西。 Isabel Mendoza, 22, from Exeter, has cap...

2016-01-25 11:27    来源:新浪教育

1. Stopping acting like a baby! Pull yourself together! 别耍孩子气了,振作起来。 Pull oneself together 常用在口语中,意思就是重新振作起来,镇静...

2016-01-25 11:24    来源:新浪教育

沪江英语 你是否厌倦了一成不变的马尾辫或是披散发?小编为你搜罗了那些年流行过的发型,更为你选取了14款美美的编发,从此和单调的长直发、马尾辫说再见! ...

2016-01-25 11:18    来源:新浪教育
你知道吗:那些中国传说中的武侠功夫 老外怎么译?

1:九阳神功 nine man’s power (九个男子的力量) 2:冲灵剑法 GG and MM ’s soul sword (GG和MM的灵魂之剑,听起来好像很熟悉 ) 3:九阴真经 ni...

2016-01-25 11:17    来源:新浪教育
轻松学英语:2016年这样去爱 这才是生活的真谛(双语)

This is how I want to fall in love in 2016... 2016年我想这样去爱…… I want to fall in love with the way the sun rises teeming with...

2016-01-25 11:10    来源:沪江英语

(来源:沪江英语)A little over six months ago, nobody was certain if Rosie the kitten would live. However, thanks to Lilo the Husky, Rosie made a spec...

2016-01-25 10:51    来源:新浪教育

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms。 Major Cold (Chinese: 大寒), the 24th solar term, begins this year on...

2016-01-22 16:26    来源:爱语吧
轻松学英语:莎翁逝世400周年 卡梅伦刊文双语解析

童鞋们,还记得”To be or not to be”吗?还记得莎士比亚么? 先来欣赏几句莎翁名言: The time of life is short; to spend that shortness basely...

2016-01-22 15:39    来源:新浪教育
你知道吗:外媒盘点全球最富9个亚洲人 中国占7席(双语)

(来源:沪江英语) They are the richest 62 people on the planet who have more cash combined than half of Earth‘s population。 他们是地球...

2016-01-22 15:34    来源:新浪教育

一、词义归类法 将所学到的单词,按词义不同进行分类,这样提到一个,便联想到一串。例如有关动物的单词,可按飞禽、走兽、虫鱼等分类记忆。 1.表示走兽...

2016-01-21 15:04    来源:新浪教育
潮英语:哪些美国常用语 外国人听了神烦

1. Whatever 随便 Non-Americans take offense when someone says, "whatever" because it is insulting. 除了美国人以外的其他人都很排斥听到&ldquo...

2016-01-21 15:04    来源:新浪教育

(来源:沪江英语) Two canine best friends from Sudbury in Ontario, Canada, who can‘t stop hugging each other have melted the internet&rsq...

2016-01-21 15:02    来源:新浪教育
轻松学英语:深扒12月份词源来历 发散记忆秒记N个词

(来源:沪江英语) As the new year starts you might have recently bought a new diary or calendar and thought ‘Where do these words come from...

2016-01-20 10:57    来源:新浪教育

(来源:沪江英语) Mihaela Noroc, 29, embarked on her project titled “Atlas of Beauty” in 2013 to show that beauty can be found anyw...

2016-01-19 16:00    来源:新浪教育

1.Malatang (numb, spicy soup) 麻辣烫 A humble version of hotpot, you pick your own skewered vegetables and meat from the shelf (from RMB 1), and get s...

2016-01-18 15:33    来源:新浪教育
经典语录怀念斯内普教授 戏内高冷戏外多彩

著名演员艾伦·瑞克曼(Alan Rickman),1946年2月21日出生于伦敦,2016年1月14日因癌症逝世,享年69岁。还记得他在《哈利·波特》系列电影中扮演的...

2016-01-18 11:56    来源:沪江英语

(来源:沪江英语) Gone with the Wind (1939) 《乱世佳人》(1939) A manipulative Southern belle carries on a turbulent affair with a bloc...

2016-01-15 16:29    来源:新浪教育

1. It's all good. 那真是太棒了。 All 在某些场合也可以用来替换 very 而达到加强语气的效果,最常见的就是老美有时候不说 "It's very good." 而说 "It'...

2016-01-15 16:04    来源:新浪教育

1.Where did you grow up? This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease。 1.你是在哪长大的?这...

2016-01-13 16:18    来源:新浪教育
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